Outdoor Theatre

on Friday, August 7, 2009


I could leave it there, but I'll elaborate.

I'm currently involved in a production of Lysistrata that was designed to be a simple, outdoor theatre production.

Add sound, costumes, rain, noise levels, body paint, columns shattering, dogs running onstage, old people gawking at sexual innuendo, young children with perplexed faces, rain, extension cords, hiding scenery in bushes--

I could go on forever.
Basically, theatre out of doors is hell for those involved. And consequently my dining room now contains a very phallic fountain that I had to paint last night at 11 pm, because we open tonight.

But for anyone in the Birmingham area, Lysistrata is free to the public at 6 pm in Caldwell Park. Don't let all my nervous breakdowns be in vein folks. Come see it.


mylittlebecky said...

that sounds really fun! break a leg! :)

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